About image
The name "Genealotree" was conjured up by my teenage son ... and I already love that this little business has a family link right there.  

Genealogy, social history and family history have been passions and interests of mine for too many years.  I've read, researched, attended lectures, completed online courses, dragged my husband and children around towns and churchyards and I've put together biographies and family trees for friends and neighbours.  It's a passion that I haven't been able to let go of and which has now led to the creation of Genealotree.

The past makes the present, there's no doubt about that.  So in my view, to not know the lives of our own ancestors seems a disservice to those men, women and children from whom we stem and whose stories are in our blood. Travelling back in time with our ancestors allows us to understand their daily lives; the world they lived in, where they lived, the careers they led, their working conditions, the homes they occupied, the sort of meals that might have been on the table, the sorrows, the joys, the struggles, local and national events. I want to uncover it all and give you as complete a picture as I possibly can.  Are there any family myths or legends?  Are there patterns of behaviour?  Often a belief or an accepted understanding of our background forms a large part of how we identify with ourselves and the world around us.

A simple family tree will give you names and dates and I will provide this.  But only by understanding the context of the individual lives on the tree can we truly appreciate who those people were.  Knowing your background can give you a strong sense of identity both geographically and socially.  By recording your family history now you document the past for those in your future and I would feel genuinely privileged to be part of this journey with your family.

Alexandra Durie